Saturday, June 13, 2009

Adult Sitter

What's an adult sitter? Meaning babysitting adult at work telling them exactly what you want them to do just like you would for a 3 year old in a day care. But, this is at work.  That's probably is my job title for the past couple weeks of work at this annoying facility.  I know that I shouldn't be complaining because I should be happy as I have a job and not being layed off.  However, does work has to be like this? This is so unsatisfying and I have too teach the "COOK" to make Lamb Stew because she doesn't know how.  Seriously people, there's  a recipe and how hard can it be to follow step by step?  Sometimes I really don't understand how people work or survive without common sense and not using their brain to problem solve. 

For everyone that knows me, I have patience for a lot of things but when it come to no common sense thinking. IT AGGRIVATE ME !!!  That's why till now I still choose to travel for short assignment job instead of a permanent one cause everywhere I go, the really "special" people always work in the kitchen.  Uggghhh... I really can't wait for this month and next month to be over.  Making the decision to leave my job is the best feeling I've ever had for a long long time since I got back from M'sia in Feb.  

Like I said on my FB, I wish I can disappear for life and just do whatever I wanted to do without responsibility and be FREE !!

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