Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Luckily it seemed like it's triggered by some sort of stress and after I've researched for all the information, I've stopped plucking my hair off from my scalp.... Phew~~ If not, I probably will have some bald spot here and there. Just love the free information from the internet!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Something New
It's just another day for me at work but good news is that the state still didn't stop by for their annual inspection for the facility yet :) I don't have much to do and have done all my stuff early and get to chit chat with the GM today. I've learn a positive attitude towards the work day even though it might be stressful and you hate the job. His philosophy was :
Marvellous Monday
Terrific Tuesday
Wonderful Wednesday
Tremendous Thursday
Fantastic Friday
I found it very amusing and has lightened up my day at least for now until I'm sick of what I do again ;) Tomorrow is yet another new day and from the schedule, I have no charting to do at all... wonder how I'm going to spend the 8 hrs at work?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Remembering Michael Jackson
That's why I'm glad that I made the decision to move back home to spend some time with my family as I never know what would have or might have happened to my parents. They are aging and I haven't had much time to really be with them since I'm ten thousands miles away. Always cherish the loved one because no one knows what our life entails.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Infidelity is a violation of the mutually agreed-upon rules or boundaries of an intimate relationship, which constitutes a significant breach of faith or a betrayal of core shared values with which the integrity of the relationship is defined. In common use, it describes an act of unfaithfulness to one’s husband, wife, or lover, whether sexual or non-sexual in nature.
I was just watching CNBC at the hotel and the theme was "Dirty Money". It's all about high end prostitution among the rich and the famous. This is an private escort services provided by beauties to the high-end business man, rich and the famous. It's very popular service because there's no string attach and just strictly business. The women responsible to dine, shop, listen and "service" their customer to their needs. Whatever the customer request, that's what the women will provide. Then the customer will rate their appearance and performance on the website to bring in more customer in the future.
Then later, there's a breaking news about South Carolina Senator admitting having an affair with a Argentinian women. Why are all men are so tempted to cheat to their wives? What happened to the vows that they have sworned during their matrimony to be faithful? There's so many marriage ended up in divorce these days and makes me so fearful of marriage and life long commitment.
Relationship is hard to maintain and requires a lot of work from both party to manage. My mom always said that marriage is the new beginning of real relationship. Loving doesn't end there as many assumed after marriage you don't have to work as hard to keep the fire going since love has become commitment and companionship. Couple has to remember to spice things up here and there to remind thyself what it is like to be loved and appreciated to prevend infidelity from each partner.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
近这几天我都在看TVB 连续剧,里面时常提到三从四德教育古代的女性们。我很庆幸自己出生在新新时代,不然的活我一定被定为轻佻浮躁的女性。哈哈。。。我真要谢谢女性改革,要求平等。三从四德呢是古代为提高社会道德水平,稳定社会及家庭关系,提高了人们的素质修养。(小女本身就觉得是大男人主义为本,怕女性高攀吧!)
作为新时代的男性,你们一定要谨记并恪守新三从四德!! (我举脚赞成 :D)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
When I came home on Tuesday, Jon had bought this three seasons of the series "Supernatural". I've heard of this series from my sis-in-law Amy that the show is pretty good but I've never got a chance to follow the series until today when Jon insisted that I have to watch the first season with him. Initially I have my doubts because it's about ghost, spirits and devil; I love those kind of stuff but since I travel to work all the time and I've stop watching or talking about stories involving spirits coz it will freak me out as I'm staying in the hotel alone ALL the time.
After the first couple episodes I've sort of got into the series, it's pretty good and interesting. The additional part is the two main characters are HOT too. Hotness alert !! Wuuhooo ... That's what happened when I watch any show is looking for handsome looking actors that's in it. Jon really can't stand me but oh well at least I'm watching it with him. We watched the first two discs in one day and stayed up till 4am this morning. Crazy couple !!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Murder Case
What do you normally do when there's nothing really else to do during your weekend out at an unfamiliarize area during work?
Well, for me, I just sit in the hotel and browsing TV as I don't feel secure enough to be in this place that is popular with crime as I don't want to stumble on a bad neighborhood while I'm trying to go places or find something to do. As usual, I finished up work early as there's nothing much for me to do anyway but adult sitting at work. I came back to the hotel room and there's this marathon episodes of some real murder cases that's jaw dropping- at least for me it is. The TV show is called 48hours: Hard Evidence. There's this compelling case that caught my full attention. 1) Written in Blood
Written in Blood
A 911 called was made by a young guy - Sebastian Burns stating: " I think my friend's family is dead. They..they are not breathing and there's blood all over the place". Soon to find out that Atif Rafay's family (His dad, mom and austistic sister) were beatten to death with a baseball bat. The house was stage like it's been robbed but only a walkman and a VCR are missing. Atify and Sebastian are best friend since high school in Canada. They then becoming the main suspect of the murder when during the interogations Atif was questioned why he didn't help his badly wounded sister while she's trying to catch her breath - she soon died in the hospital. Atif's answered was " I don't know,...and I don't remember" Strange thing was both Atif and Sebastian vividly remembered what they've done all night prior to coming home to the murder scene. FBI hired undercover cop to further investigate the cases and it's too long to explain what's going on in this twisted matter. If anyone of you is interested, go to this link and read all the facts.
I personally think murder are very scary especially when you have the courage to murder all of your family member. That's just inhuman!! Whether they did it or not there's many unsolve murder cases out in the world that needs to be brought to justice. That's why after watching that, I really don't dare going out alone in this strange vicinity.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Adult Sitter
What's an adult sitter? Meaning babysitting adult at work telling them exactly what you want them to do just like you would for a 3 year old in a day care. But, this is at work. That's probably is my job title for the past couple weeks of work at this annoying facility. I know that I shouldn't be complaining because I should be happy as I have a job and not being layed off. However, does work has to be like this? This is so unsatisfying and I have too teach the "COOK" to make Lamb Stew because she doesn't know how. Seriously people, there's a recipe and how hard can it be to follow step by step? Sometimes I really don't understand how people work or survive without common sense and not using their brain to problem solve.
For everyone that knows me, I have patience for a lot of things but when it come to no common sense thinking. IT AGGRIVATE ME !!! That's why till now I still choose to travel for short assignment job instead of a permanent one cause everywhere I go, the really "special" people always work in the kitchen. Uggghhh... I really can't wait for this month and next month to be over. Making the decision to leave my job is the best feeling I've ever had for a long long time since I got back from M'sia in Feb.
Like I said on my FB, I wish I can disappear for life and just do whatever I wanted to do without responsibility and be FREE !!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Becoming Ah Sei (阿四)
So, here I am again in the nursing home. I wasn't sure what I will be doing and wondering why they have sent me back to this misery place. It's already Wednesday and all I've done is cutting paper, answering phone calls, calculating cost for the food, buying lunch, clicking menus and bunch of useless and no-brainer stuff. Me and my best pals online were just talking about it yesterday about how frustrated we were about our current job and we've spend so much money and time to study the major and ended up being an AH SEI (which means like a servant in Cantonese). Seriously, why would they pay all my meals, mileage reimbursement and also hotel stay to just do a bunch of secretary work. My gosh, I went to school and have a degree that I CAN USE. But apparently my company really like to waste resources and have nothing better for me to do.
Since I was so bored at work and I was browsing internal job website through my company and I went ahead and apply for a administrative assistant job for a SVP (Senior Vice President). I think I would be happier if I'm just a secretary and can just stop using my brain and be ditsy and stupid, sitting in the office, answering call and surfing the net. LOL ..... I'm really so tired and bored with my career that the company has provided me so far! I'm still yet to put in my resignation letter and can't wait to plan the next vacation with my gal pal to a place where we can find our soul again :D
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Gal Pal Time
Finally after almost a year not seeing each other, my gal pals in upstate new york asked me to get together at her house in Galway since I'm in need of baby therapy. Lisa (my former manager) has two kids that I adore since they were born. Anna and AJ are her kids and they are just funny and adorable as usual.
We had such a good time together chatting and remeniscing about old itmes when we used to work together at Gloversville and the people that we work with now. When you put three women together and it's a chatter box all around and we just can't stop talking and without knowing it it's been 4 hours of talk time that flew by. Love hanging out with them and it's really relaxing of not having to work for the week and just chill with friends. I wanted to upload those pictures in facebook and the stupid website just kept on saying unable to loacte the server for uploading page...SO ANNOYING!! I've been trying to upload the pictures for two days now.
Oh well, nevermind. Thankfully I have another place to showcase our picture...here in blogger :)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Road Trip....
It's a long ride home to visit and it's about 8 hours drive. Similar to driving from Kuantan to Penang trip that I'm used to since toddler :) Jon drove most of the way but when it's my turn to drive it was the worst part of the trip because during the 3 hours that I drove, we have to drive through the construction of the highway all the way through Pennsylvania . Very annoying because instead of driving the speed limit of 65, during construction, I have to drive 45 .
Anyway, I made it to the New York state line where we stopped and stretch our legs and Jon has to go to finish his nature business while I snatch this flyer :D
Also, another funny part was that during our road trip together I managed to snatch the picture below. It's a car full with stickers at her back of the car. OMG, I can't believe how people actually will do this to their car but hey It's AMERICA, they can do whatever they wanted to. As soon as Jon managed to go pass her, she also bedazzled the dashboard! Seriously, that women needs to grow up instead of decorating her car like a dollhouse. Oh well, it's part of our entertainment for the whole trip !