Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hoping for a better week

So, after the entire week of unfortunate event that happened to me while I was at Roanoke for work; I've decided to cut my work week short from 10 days to 5 days.  Luckily, she's very understanding and everything I can do for her at the facility has been done and I've left very detail instruction on everything that she needed in a binder for her.  So, hopefuly she can do it on her own.  

Since it was my last day on Friday and we were just chatting in the office and getting the little things done while the facility administrator walked in and I was asking for the updates of my missing item.  He was just playing dumb and said: " Oh, I heard you are going out of the country and needed the money! ".... Erm...hello??? You didn't answer my question dude !!!  In addition, the director of security also promised that he will look into this matter. Alright, I waited patiently for 2 days for his answer.  Then, Kathy (my GM) told me that during her executive meeting with those big shots, she heard them saying there isn't a video to record the video surveillance that they have in the building.  Why didn't that surprise me ! Just a bunch of useless people.  

I was mad that my money was missing and my car got hit at the facility. But, what made me madder was that the Administrator and Security Director didn't even do their part to give me a definite answer and not even apologetic for what had happened to me.  This is what aggrivated me the most out of everything.  Seriously, people don't know how to treat people in the world these days!  One of the thing that I did to show my disappointment is that I wrote an e-mail to my director stating that I will not want to go back to this dump place unless it's absolutely necessary!!  No one make a comment about that so far :) 

So, I'm really hoping for a better week as I'll be taking the entire week off to go up to New York to spend some time with Jon family and see some of my old pals there and Jon & I will be stoping at Hershey for some SHOPPING THERAPY for me to let out my anger and frustration of my job lately.  Ciao~ 


  1. shopping is the best therapy everrrr............

  2. Yes indeed, and I spend 160usd in less than one hour :D
