Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Today is just one of those days that nothing goes right at all.  I don't think that I have a problem and seemed like all the problems come and find me all day long.  First of all, the project that the boss told me to do all the day before he just decided to change all those menu items and I have to re-do them all and printed out all the recipes accordingly.  GREAT GREAT GREAT !!! 

So, my stress level is sligthly elevated but it's manageable because I know I can handle it and do it at the time line I was given today.  But, then there's these 4 admissions to the facility and I have been given 3 of the diet slips to add my resident to the computer system and printing tickets. Unfortunately, it's just too late to notify the cooks to make extra meals for the dinner.  Now it's approaching 5pm and all thos CNA's and Nurses just came into the kitchen start yelling at us telling us we need extra 8 tickets and 8 resident were not getting their meal trays and then we have additional 4 guest tray we didn't even get notified on.  GRrrrrr... and my cook didn't have the best attitude towards them and I am the one that got yell at in the kitchen.  NICE JOB EVERYONE...blame the manager !! 

The worst part was I was being nice as I always be explaining to the RN(registered nurse) that I only got 3 notifications and she insisted that she send those to DIETARY department and it's our job to figure it out and said I was being rude to her. $#%@! .... sorry for my language but I'm really mad already to deal with a bunch of crazy crew member in the kitchen and now I'm being accused of being rude and don't know how to do my job! What the heck !!!! I don't even need to be here. I'm just here to help to straighten things out in this facility apparently you people dont' know how to do your job right. 

Then, I went and told my manager and the district manager what's going on in the kitchen.  The same RN walked into the office and was just talking to my manager (Kathy) and was telling her about some food preferences of the new admission that came in today, which were a husband and wife.  I only got one notification of a wife came in but didn't know about the husband.  I was just open my mouth and said: "Oh... I didn't know that the husband was an admission as well since I didn't see any slip in the office."  She just rolled her eyes and said:" I'm not dealing with ya'll people" and show me the hand !  RUDE and so unprofessional nurse I've ever seen in my life!  I'm really pissed at this point but I hold my tongue to stop myself from cursing at her.  I don't usually get mad that easy but someone is being so rude when I'm just trying to make things better in the kitchen.   

Gosh....I'm on fire all day till now I get a place where I can vent all my disappointment at the health care system where no one really cares about the residents/patient but themself.  I'm so glad that I'm leaving tomorrow but unfortunately I have to come back next week again to deal with them people again! 

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