Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hoping for a better week

So, after the entire week of unfortunate event that happened to me while I was at Roanoke for work; I've decided to cut my work week short from 10 days to 5 days.  Luckily, she's very understanding and everything I can do for her at the facility has been done and I've left very detail instruction on everything that she needed in a binder for her.  So, hopefuly she can do it on her own.  

Since it was my last day on Friday and we were just chatting in the office and getting the little things done while the facility administrator walked in and I was asking for the updates of my missing item.  He was just playing dumb and said: " Oh, I heard you are going out of the country and needed the money! ".... Erm...hello??? You didn't answer my question dude !!!  In addition, the director of security also promised that he will look into this matter. Alright, I waited patiently for 2 days for his answer.  Then, Kathy (my GM) told me that during her executive meeting with those big shots, she heard them saying there isn't a video to record the video surveillance that they have in the building.  Why didn't that surprise me ! Just a bunch of useless people.  

I was mad that my money was missing and my car got hit at the facility. But, what made me madder was that the Administrator and Security Director didn't even do their part to give me a definite answer and not even apologetic for what had happened to me.  This is what aggrivated me the most out of everything.  Seriously, people don't know how to treat people in the world these days!  One of the thing that I did to show my disappointment is that I wrote an e-mail to my director stating that I will not want to go back to this dump place unless it's absolutely necessary!!  No one make a comment about that so far :) 

So, I'm really hoping for a better week as I'll be taking the entire week off to go up to New York to spend some time with Jon family and see some of my old pals there and Jon & I will be stoping at Hershey for some SHOPPING THERAPY for me to let out my anger and frustration of my job lately.  Ciao~ 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Baby Withdrawal Syndrome

Every since I went home in December of 08' and stayed for about 2 1/2 months home, I've developed a mild condition called Baby Withdrawal Syndrome (BWS) -My own kind of diagnosis because I don't have any other better explainations of my behavior.  I was perfectly fine while I was home to spend time with my family, my two nieces and nephew.  However, when I returned back to the States and started my work traveling, I feel very empty and getting depressed more often than I used to.  Hence, I think I have BWS as when I get to talk to them online via webcam, I'll be happy for couple days then my depressive mood started again.  Just like a viscious cycle going up and down similar to any other withdrawal syndrome out there in the medical world. 

Just like today, I'm back to Roanoke, VA, dealing with a bunch of people with no common sense and brain in the kitchen. It gives me headache that I wanted to pull my brain out and I'm not just joking around.  So, when I come back to the hotel after a 1o hours work day I logged in to facebook and just re-watching all the clips of little Jovie that my sis in law has uploaded on her profile page. That's my "BABY THERAPY".  However, that's not enough yet and I bugged her online through skype and had her send me some new video to quench my thirst for some baby action.  Alot of people might think I'm crazy but I LOVE KIDS....all my family and close friends know that I might be a little bit obssessed with babies and little toddlers.  Who can really resist those cute innocent behavior?? Well, at least I do. 

I wish my job will involve with babies and kids all day minus the poop and all.... :D 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Today is just one of those days that nothing goes right at all.  I don't think that I have a problem and seemed like all the problems come and find me all day long.  First of all, the project that the boss told me to do all the day before he just decided to change all those menu items and I have to re-do them all and printed out all the recipes accordingly.  GREAT GREAT GREAT !!! 

So, my stress level is sligthly elevated but it's manageable because I know I can handle it and do it at the time line I was given today.  But, then there's these 4 admissions to the facility and I have been given 3 of the diet slips to add my resident to the computer system and printing tickets. Unfortunately, it's just too late to notify the cooks to make extra meals for the dinner.  Now it's approaching 5pm and all thos CNA's and Nurses just came into the kitchen start yelling at us telling us we need extra 8 tickets and 8 resident were not getting their meal trays and then we have additional 4 guest tray we didn't even get notified on.  GRrrrrr... and my cook didn't have the best attitude towards them and I am the one that got yell at in the kitchen.  NICE JOB EVERYONE...blame the manager !! 

The worst part was I was being nice as I always be explaining to the RN(registered nurse) that I only got 3 notifications and she insisted that she send those to DIETARY department and it's our job to figure it out and said I was being rude to her. $#%@! .... sorry for my language but I'm really mad already to deal with a bunch of crazy crew member in the kitchen and now I'm being accused of being rude and don't know how to do my job! What the heck !!!! I don't even need to be here. I'm just here to help to straighten things out in this facility apparently you people dont' know how to do your job right. 

Then, I went and told my manager and the district manager what's going on in the kitchen.  The same RN walked into the office and was just talking to my manager (Kathy) and was telling her about some food preferences of the new admission that came in today, which were a husband and wife.  I only got one notification of a wife came in but didn't know about the husband.  I was just open my mouth and said: "Oh... I didn't know that the husband was an admission as well since I didn't see any slip in the office."  She just rolled her eyes and said:" I'm not dealing with ya'll people" and show me the hand !  RUDE and so unprofessional nurse I've ever seen in my life!  I'm really pissed at this point but I hold my tongue to stop myself from cursing at her.  I don't usually get mad that easy but someone is being so rude when I'm just trying to make things better in the kitchen.   

Gosh....I'm on fire all day till now I get a place where I can vent all my disappointment at the health care system where no one really cares about the residents/patient but themself.  I'm so glad that I'm leaving tomorrow but unfortunately I have to come back next week again to deal with them people again! 

Friday, May 15, 2009

Hey Shorty...It's MY B'Day

This 50cents song just keep on spinning in my head whenever someone's birthday is around the corner.  "Hey shorty, it's your birthday. We gonna party, coz it's your birthday !! " Hahah... and it's my birthday today and Jon always called me shorty; therefore I guess I can relate to this song pretty well.  ROTFL. 

Although I wish that I can have the weekend off to celebrate my birthday but unfortunately I have to work at Brandon Oaks of course even though I have to find things to do over there to keep me busy and occupied for those 8 working hours.  

I'm at the point where I don't really get too excited about birthday anymore. It's just an ordinary day and I can tell my life is getting boring by the minute. Wonder if there's anything else I can do to spice it up.  Responsibility really sucks but you gotta do what you need to be doing to live a comfortable life in the future.  

I should be happy because it's my birthday but I really couldn't perk myself up to really enjoy this special day.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Love from Home

Finally, I have a little time to jot down some thoughts that I have been wanting to say for the pay two days.  Mother's Day call back to home was able to relieve some of my home sickness that I've been having lately.  I get to talk to my mama and my sista  to catch up on their latest.  It was already night time when I talked to them as I was trying to call them in the morning and apparently no one was at home and they have all went to KL and I'm the last to know and I wouldn't have thought in a million years that Public Mutual company would do a Financial Planning class on MOTHERS DAY!! How insensitive.... !! 

Anyway, it was about 10:30pm ish when I called and the little monster HZ was supposed to be asleep with my sister in the room.  Well, too bad he heard the phone rang and my mom was talking and he refuses to go back to sleep and want to yak on the phone as well.  Haha...what a cutie. However, the first thing he said was "Hello...Uncle Jon"...i'm sad...He's so used to pick up the phone and talk to Jon last time while I was home.  Felt like he's on default button to say that sentence.  Anyway, he knowed it was me and saying things that are so touching like I miss you, I love you, I want to give you the clown hot air balloon.  The most touching part was when he sing the entire happy birthday song to me... AWWWW....teary teary eye. 

A little love from home is what I needed a boost for the rest of the month for now. LOL.... Love you all :D

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

MAY 5th...Cinco De Mayo !!

It's Cinco De Mayo meaning 5th of May in spanish.  It's a nationwide celebrated day because everyone in this country just need another good excuse to party and drink themselves away at the club or bar! hahah

I personally like it because it's just the 5th of May.  5 is one of my favorite number and May is my favorite month.  Although there's still about 10 days till my actual birthday but unfortunately I just found out today that I have to WORK that day. Bummer....they suddenly change my schedule and I have to go to another place next week till May 20th :(  So, I will not be able to celebrate my B'day with my dear Jon but hopefully will be able to do some web conference with my cyberspace chat buddies.  

However, I think it's a good thing that I get to leave Hillcrest and continue my journey in another place.  Things are getting way out of hand in the nursing home.  Crazy and stressful.  So, hopefully going away for sometime will be a better trade off for me without celebrating my birthday. Gosh, i only hope !