Thursday, April 30, 2009

To Love or Be Love

While driving home on Wednesday back to Virginia.... yet again, I have tons of time to waste in the car for 5 1/2hours.  There's this topic keep on flashing on my mind about love and relationship. Why? Because me and my girl friends were chatting away about this topic the night before about love, relationships, exes, heartbreak and much more on MSN messenger.  It's so much fun chatting with MY and WT all these nights while I'm at the hotel and they are at work.  

I'm always wondering myself all the time since I know about "LOVE".  I used to think that loving someone is to really put all yourself out there. Giving him all the love you've got and it doesn't matter if he appreciates it or not. You feel happy when you know you've found a guy that you can completely in love with and loving him unconditionally. stupid and naive i once was.  I ended up being hurt.  Because, as I grow older and wiser; I've realized that's not what I want.  Even though people have said that you shouldn't put the love on a scale and measure who loves who more but I've come to a conclusion that it's more fortunate to find someone that loves you more than you love him/her. 

Being love by someone it's a great feeling.  Pampered, being in the center of the attention and the most important thing is he's putting you first before himself.  That's the one thing that I've never gotten from my exes.  So, I'm considering myself very lucky to be loved now and I'm happy that there's someone that wants to make me feel happy when I'm with him.  I hope I can always be that lucky :) 

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