Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday on the Road ....

As usual, every other Monday, I will have to drag my butt off my comfortable bed to be awake at 7.30am to get ready for my 5 and 1/2 hours drive to Knoxville, TN for work.  

I always think what will I do in the car to spend my 5+ hours starring at the sky, vegetations and never ending road that I have to deal with until i reach my destination.  Switching the radio station every 5 minutes to search for a descent one that plays music that I like.  I think i've heard the song "Poker Face" from Lady Gaga and "HaLo" from beyonce like 4 times while I was driving. Seriously, they need to put those songs to rest, hopefully.  Besides listening to the repeating songs on the station, i also have lots of things flashing through my mind and wondering if average people spend that long of a time to think of stuff that needs to be done, stuff that should be done, things that might be happening..... etc.... Even Jon thinks i'm crazy. Well, maybe he already did :D  

Driving long hours on the road really give me lots of time to think about my past, present and future.  I can do a lot of reflection of myself and hoping things will get better for my life.  I have realized that life is short and i have to life it to the fullest.  I'm trying to do that from now on to just live my life the way I wanted to be.  Go places that I wanted to visit while I'm young.  

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