Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Working from Home

What's better than staying in your comfy clothes and rolling out of bed at whatever times you desire and walk to living room and start your work day?  I've never had the luxury of working from home till yesterday.  My first ever home assignment after almost 4 years in service for my company.  It felt good and I loved it.....so far....haha as it's only been the second day of starring at a big pile of paper work, data entering and recipes and menus that I have to work on. 

Now I really do understand why so many people don't like to go to work in an office because there's rules and regulation to be follow, annoying colleagues and bosses that will never understand what you really wants and just ask you to "GET IT DONE and DON'T BOTHER ME". 

I really wish that I can work from home all these times, never have to step foot in the hotel living condition unless it's a VACATION!! I will keep on updating my work progress and see if I really still like the job from home and maybe will start considering it as a career in the future!!  Oh boy, I guess I'm the type of person that needs challenges and exitement constantly to keep me from boredom at work.  Where can I find the perfect job?? Wonder again...... 

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