Sunday, August 23, 2009

Almost there

The reality finally sinks in when the apartment that I lived in is emptying up day by day.  Jon is selling most of our furniture and the apartment looks so bland and unorganized these days. I don't have a good feeling about it because everyone that knows me, know that I like things to be organized and in an orderly fashioned. I just can't stand things pile up everywhere.  I can't believed that I have been in one apartment for two years, that's the longest I've lived in one place since I moved to New York 4 years ago. WOW!! Time really does fly by..... 

I guess I just have to sit tight and deal with al this mess till we settle down in our new place WHO knows when and where we will be ended up after all this complicated life that Jon and I will be living separately for a long period of time. Although I know I'm not so much of a long distance relationship kind of gal, but I hope we can go through this tough times together.  Hopefully things will turn out for the better. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Becoming Helium Writer

I've actively searching for a way to improving my writing skills and working my way into the journalism world as I have a dream of becoming a food/health writer for magazines.  So, I have recently stumbled upon this website called Helium that allows writer to freelance their work and get paid if their articles get picked to be publish, or entering writing contest to compete for cash prize.  

It's a good way for me to actively researching for the latest topics that interest me and also sharing my knowledge and letting the community to critics my work and help me become better at journalism.  I've been writing about one article per day since the begining of the week as I was almost done with my work.  I was really happy to see that two of my many articles got ranked #1 rated by the Helium members.  I was thrilled although I wish all of my articles get higher ranking but there's a lot of great writers in the community that I can learn from by reading how the write and structure the article. 

So, whoever interesting in sharing their knowledge and expertise on something else. Try it and best thing was there's nothing to lose but someting to gain !! 

Friday, August 7, 2009

Man Vs Food

I've been watching this travel channel show called "Man Vs. Food" and this traveling chef is OUT OF HIS MIND.  His name is Adam and he travelled all across America and looking for the perfect pig out area and also take on some of the craziest food challenge along the way. 

Since today I'm all alone at the house while Jon and the boys went to watch G.I Joe, which I'm not interested in watching.  I turned on the TV and watched what's the location for this episode challenge.  He's in TEXAS...yeeeehaw!!  There's this restaurant that serve "Burger from HELL" and everybody loved it as it's addictive.  That's just a regular 8oz burger topped with grilled Jalapeno pepper, with Habanero sauce and also cayenne pepper sauce. Talking about Hot HOT HOT!!!  He then took on a challenge on finishing a meal consist of a salad, baked potato, dinner roll and a 72oz steaks. You've got that's 4 1/2 POUNDS worth of BEEF that he'll be eating to win the contest if he's able to finish the entire meal under 1 hour.  OMG @_@ 

I'm sure by the time he finished the show, his stomach will be stretch to its maximum, which is not good in long run. Just can't believe that people would actually do that.  Spirits of AMERICA i guess, everything has to be BIG and BOLD! 

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dreaming of You

It's been so long since I last saw you, I gave you a hug and you gave me a present before we said our goodbyes.  No one has ever heard from you again.  It is true that alot of us have missed you and wondering your where about.  I've never had a dream about you but all of a sudden last night I dreamed of you.  Maybe because me and my gal pals were discussing about you and subconsciously you've surfaced into my mind again. 

The dream took placed in our high school, but it's sort of like a high school reunion as most of our schoolmates are there, dressed in formal attire and just mingling and catching up with each other. I was as usual, avoiding the large crowd...trying to find a peace and quiet corner where I can chat with my girls.  Then, I saw you...walking towards us and you look good as I remembered. You requested to talk to me alone.  We walked to the staircase and sit there and You said:" I'm doing fine now! Don't you guys worry about me. "  Then, I woke up.  I wish I can continue the dream where I have so many questions to ask but I know that's just a dream and it will never be true. It's all just my wishful thinking. 

Where ever you are now, I really hope you are a better person. We've all miss you, my dear friend.