Friday, November 20, 2009

Lately ....

Yes.... after almost 2 months of traveling non-stop here and there since I came back, I've had some real time to rest my tired body. I guess my Ba Zi really accurate saying that I've to travel here and there non-stop for my life. 

Time really fly by so quickly, when I first came back, JE was just crawling and now she's learning to walk and has been able to walk independently for 4 steps by herself. When holding her to sleep is the most amazing thing in the world, because one little life is holding me tightly to fall asleep. I felt very content no matter how tired I am. Hahah..., although i've told my sister I've surrender to those two monster. 

I'm still unsure if I want a life with kids or a life with career.... indecisive person at this point. 

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